CASE STUDIES: 1. Wishbone component
- 2. Fuel rod holder -
◄ Flow & heat transfer optimized
This is a 150mm nuclear fuel rod holder cassette.
From the highly complex shape (STL, via Additec Inc), the goal is to dramatically improve flow and heat-transfer and reduce mass/weight. Weight is reduced by 45%, Volume fraction 0.22 (78% void). Strength/bending stiffness retains >88% of solid. |
- 3. Aerospace bracket -
◄ The Alcoa Aircraft Bracket "Challenge"
This was a challenge sponsored by GrabCAD and Alcoa to best "light-weight" an existing bracket design (aerospace) with given load and material requirements. Challenge winner was: 220g , 4968 lbf HGon FE-opt meta-structure: 232g, 5120 lbf |
- 4. Complex housings -
◄ Fuel pump housing, ultra-conforming
This highly complex fuel pump shape has multiple (large and small) holes and flanges. The generated HGon meta-structure precisely conforms to the complex topology/geometry. This cannot be done with lattices. |
- 5. Biomimetic Structures -
◄ Modeling biological structures:
The Starfish Project (Pentaceraster cumingi) This "Devil's Starfish" has a strikingly 'mesh-like' biological structure. We can generate conforming Hgon structures and the physical model/simulations for even more realistic structures and physics. NOTE: The 3D portal view (near right) takes about 20-30 sec to load. The Devil Starfish makes a nice test structure for demonstrating generation of a complex flexible meta-structure that cannot be done using standard lattices. |
► Coming Q3 2023 - Puzzles! and Guitars/audio, Contact us if you are interested.
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Hypergons (Hgons™) -- Ultra high performance meta-structures, systems, and components.
Hypergons (Hgons™) -- Ultra high performance meta-structures, systems, and components.
"Where the science, isn't fiction."